Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Republicans ranting about Pelosi say they want ';to put her in her place';.Would they rather all woman stay home?

Are Republicans afraid of effective and powerful woman like Nancy Pelosi. By using chauvinist remarks like ';put her in her place'; do they risk losing a lot of women voters? Would they prefer their women to stay at home having babies and baking cookies? Are they longing for the good old days?Republicans ranting about Pelosi say they want ';to put her in her place';.Would they rather all woman stay home?
Yes sweety, the party of ';NO'; would also like to say ';No'; to women. They cannot fathom the idea that a woman would do a better job than some white old man. A pathetic bunch, their statement shows how out of touch they are. You would think that given their approval they would be a bit more careful...oh well, good for the Dems!Republicans ranting about Pelosi say they want ';to put her in her place';.Would they rather all woman stay home?
I'm a female and totally agree-put her in her place!!! She is a monster. She has, along with Boxer, Feinstein, Miller, and other environmentalist bleeding hearts cost tens of thousands of jobs here in California, Mendota County has a 40%+ unemployment rate because farmers have NO water, thanks to Pelosi... that is just one of MANY MANY stupid, idiotic, evil things she has done. I despise that woman and wouldn't mind seeing her in the kitchen, keeping her plastic nose out of politics for good.

add: I know, liberals are just so utterly compassionate to immigrants. They care so deeply, but when you have a 3'; Delta smelt that is on the endangered species list, suddenly that ';compassion'; flies out of the window-to hell with women and children, to hell with immigrants trying to make a living! Who cares if they now have to stand in food lines?! So long as a FISH is ';protected';!

Yeah, thumbs down me... the truth is UGLY-鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Although Pelosi hasn't shown her best in recent years as Speaker of the House; the GOP is certainly in no position to chastise anyone. At this time the Republican Party is divided in shambles. The unity of the party is liken a snake without its head. Neo-Cons fighting the Christians, Christians of the Right-Wing wanting to rewrite the Bible for a more conservative slant; and the Radio Pundits continue to rant and rave; while their man-child Michael Steele makes more political gaffs than Vice-President Biden could do if drunk to his fullness.
I notice that neither you, nor the usual assortment of nodding-sheep fans can offer any substantive support for your claim.

....considering all the straw men that you've vanquished still haven't filled that need for affirmation in you, don't you think it's time to take on some real-world issues?
Putting her in ';her place'; doesn't mean kitchen, it means back on the lower gutter of Congress where she belongs. You just made gender an issue and cry sexism just like you do with that sick Obama you love, you just call racism.
yet another pathetic question. yes.. we are soo afriad of pelosi and her 17% approval rating. put her in her place doesnt have any meaning toward the fact that shes a girl. obama called palin a pig with lipstick.. did that mean she was a pig? moron.
Scare the crap out of everyone with Pelosi on Halloween...
Repubs are interested only in gaining power, but have no idea what to do with it once they have it. So they start wars and wave the flag vehemently.
Soon, the Republican Party will have offended everyone except the ultra-right and be a party that claims less than 10% of registered voters.
I find the phrase condescending and typical for a party of white old men only. Why must they continue to put their feet in their mouth every time they speak! Of course they would love their women to stay at home pregnant and barefoot!
Nancy Pelosi is a lying pig who needs to be removed from office. She gives real women a bad name.
Nope. Just her.

Just stay home and shut up, Nancy. You've done enough damage for one lifetime.
I think that all conservative hypocrites deserve crucifixion, and that Ronald Reagan has done more to serve this country as a pile of fertilizer than as a living human being...
Oh no, Fly in the Ointment is generalizeing and over simplifieing things again...
you betcha
you are a freaking retard. get off the computer and go hump a tree.
';Republicans ranting about Pelosi say they want ';to put her in her place';

When we say that Pelosi must be put in her place, we mean in a jail cell. Thats where she belongs. To put her in a kitchen would be meaningless because we doubt she knows how to cook or bake anything.
one-ref to sarah palin. your argument holds no water.

two-pelosi is a gargoyle and should not be in the public light. she is poor a legislator as they come. she uses terms like nazi and compares protest against spending to being un-american. she is another thing that is wrong with the dem party.
Well if you did ur facts we have had more woman in office than democrats and we had a VP woman. And I dont think Nancy Pelosi is the best choice for you question

Will stop sucking up to her already?
No, they are afraid of crazy people placed into positions of authority and power, like Pelosi. I am too actually..

Is the destruction she and Obama have brought to our economy really something we can describe as effective?
It wasn't a sexist remark. Some people just feel that Pelosi should go back to the depths of Hades where she belongs. That's all.
I am sure that by ';her place'; they mean back living in San Francisco.

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