calling whites ';whitey';, how do you think the public will react? Do you think it will sway any obama supporters? Is this really a woman we want as our first lady? Could she even be considered a lady with words of hate such as that?When the republicans reveal the widespread release of the Michelle obama tape ranting about hating whites and?
Well some are calling it a rumor. I saw all I needed to see from a little clip she was in already on Youtube. She said for the first time in her adult life she was proud of America. I have not always agreed with what people in this country do but I have always been proud of OUR country. No we can not have a First Lady that does not promote unity. So if Obama loses is she going to go back to not be proud of her country. That is truely a shame. Soldiers like me though will continue to fight and defend her right to free speach so she can again place her foot in her mouth.When the republicans reveal the widespread release of the Michelle obama tape ranting about hating whites and?
Interesting that people compare her to Jackie Kennedy? I don't think she ever called anyone Whitey. Michelle does have lunch on occasion with Mrs. Farrakhan, so Im not suprised since Farrakhans are the biggest Racists in The WORLD! Farrakhan was even banned from the UK for over 10 years for his hate ranting speeches like Wrights and Pflegers! Why can't we ban those jerks! I guess if the far left get their way we will be able to finally ban them! I would rather send several hundred whiteys to go to their churches so they could teach them how WRONG THEY ARE!
When the republicans reveal the widespread release of the Michelle obama tape ranting about hating whites and?
Michelle is only a lady in the biological sense! I do find it funny though that she has ten times the guts of the wimp. We know who where the pants and who wears the apron in tat house.
The tape will make no difference to the following, Obamabots,
and informed people that already know Obama and his wife are racist, members of a cult, and endorse by every major terrorist on earth.
It will make a difference to the few folks that are not 100% sure about him either way. They will either become ';Bots'; or analyze the eveidence and give the hate-mongers a thumbs down!
Well, let us hope that there are enough voters who support Obama now, that will finally admit they cannot follow a racist. If these supporters haven't seen it yet, that Obama and his wife are racists, then I don't have much hope that they will then.
I think that makes his supporters racist, and to them, FINALLY they get to make ';whitey'; PAY!!
I wonder why Michele Obama's thesis will not be released to the public until after the election? Makes one wonder if ';whitey'; is mentioned in Michele's thesis?鈥?/a>
Go to and they say the tape will be released. the Tuesday before the general election. they say every American will be furious. when they hear this tape.I think the stratergy will be good as it will run 24/7 on all news cast, and Obama will have only his fans to vote for him, Bob Beckle a Democrat says it bad. Hillary and Bill are well aware of the tape ,Michelle even goes so far as call Hillary a'; white ho'; and here' Hillary is out here force to kiss up too Obama,just to keep here place in The DNC ,so she can jump in at the last minute to save the democrats face. Check it out. on the web site I gave you. don't be mad at me, just telling you what's out there.
it's not going to make one iota of difference to any liberal. they're only criteria for voting for a candidate is does that person have a ';d'; in front of their name. that's all that matters. charactor, integrity, scruples, principles, morals, all those do not matter one whit to liberals. imagine this as a possible scenario. a man has just gotten out of prison after spending thirty yrs for, lets say, killing his family then burning the bodies. he/she decides to run for congress. liberals wouldn't give a rats @ss. you think i'm off my rocker? bill and hillary clinton are two of the biggest crooks, liars, thieves, thugs, adulterers, blackmailers, murderers(vince foster) felons and who knows what else and still, by overwhelming margins elected not just once but twice. beloved by all. liberals with their self righteous hypocrisy are nothing more than gutter living frauds!!
shes an academic and used to the protection (like Ayers)
of spewing hate from her over sized mouth and getting away with
it (students sit their and think ';what a genius she is and how courageous';)
She gotten in the public eye now and thanks for Fox News and a few other outlets, we see the real Obama Family
Lame stream media will do damage control from now until
election day and paint a Rosy picture of someone who is
passionate but misunderstood lololololol
Since people who were there say that, when talking about Bush, she kept asking ';Why'd he?'; and the Reps have misconstrued her regional accent...
If they do release this, they're going to look like morons.
They're better off pretending, because some people actually believe it. When people see it, that facade will be over.
Nothing broken.
She's not going win for president or first lady...if she wants
to hate me, a white man, that doesn't bother me as long as
she keeps her hands to herself...I don't hate her, God's rules
and the Eleventh of the 'Ten Commandments'...added by Jesus Himself...';..A new commandment I give unto you, that
you love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love
one another.'; ';By this shall men know ye are my Deciples.';
God Bless...have a nice day.
I don't think that tape exists. Why would the republicans telegraph it's existence without actually releasing it? They would save it as a last election season surprise. Talking about it before it's released gives the opposition time to formulate a response,.
Nothing would surprise me at this point.....
We have heard it from the church that the Obama's went to for over 20yrs....
so it shouldn't surprise anyone.....
But guess they will get a pass on this too...
I can not image Michelle Obama as a first lady....
Its a shame,,,,,,,
If it's real I think most people will be outraged and disgusted but there will still be Obama supporters who try to defend their golden boy and his wife no matter what. Apparently a lot of them are ok with the fact that he's racist.
They did that already and lost a Rep seat in the South. Why do you think Newt Gingrich came out and said ';These kind of tactic will not work any longer.';
They will try and downplay it like Wright and Obamas relationship....but enough Americans Will be turned off
I don't think it matters that much, and I really don't believe it anyway.
You realize that's an overblown Internet rumor. Don't you?
If that exists, it would have been out long ago.
no, it will suck bigtime for the dems and there may even be a big backlash against blacks...............
So far our ';Larry Sinclair'; tactics have either failed or backfired ..... :(. I think they are on to us.
it doesnt exist
it is all a lie
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