Sunday, August 22, 2010

I just dont know just a short rant lol?

well here iam again 10 DPO, its been 9mnths TTC, iv been refered to make sure all is in working order, i dont feel any different this month , im trying to keep optimistic but its starting to get me down, as im sure it is for all the other TTC ladies...... no question really, other than any BFP to cheer me up, or anybody in same situation wiv the dreaded ttw?I just dont know just a short rant lol?
I'm in the same boat... 12 DPO. Me and my fiance have been trying for 7 months, no luck! The last few months my body was playing tricks on me, and giving me all sorts of pregnancy signs, just to get my hopes up for nothing! This month I have not a single sign at all, but I also have been pretty sick, so I'm assuming this isn't going to be my month either :(

I wish the best of luck to you though, and lots of baby dust your way!!! Hopefully we will both get out BFPs soon!I just dont know just a short rant lol?
Yeah sweetheart, me!

Im due weds 18th March -so i think im 9DPO approx and feel crap this mth, not so much mood wise, just body uncomfortable (see my Q's lol!)

Fingers crossed we get BFP's then this mth hun as a few have been flying around!

Well - I got my BFP last month (12 DPO - blood test) after TTC for 36 months and the only thing different was I had no signs. No signs of PMS or pregnancy. They didn't set in until I hit about the 6 week mark. TTC is a very frustrating time and I always got so upset when someone would tell me to quit thinking about it. Easier said than done but the month that I conceived I really had alot of other things going on and didn't get a good vibe from my fertility Dr. so I really thought the month was a lost cause but I guess it wasn't.

I really wish you all the best. Just don't give up hope and believe in the power of prayer.

Good luck!!!
Hi pinkfairy, I am 7DPO today. Some days are harder than others. The hard days, I talk to the friends I have made at the following site;
yep - the dreaded ttw!!! how I hate it!

my AF is due next Wednesday and I can't will the days away fast enough.

I'm trying to stay optimistic too but after 7 months the tww gets harder every month!

Let's hope we all get that BFP this month xx
I am about 10dpo today too. My af is due saturday. I know just what you mean some days I feel so discouraged like it just won't happen. Its so hard to keep waiting month after month for nothing. I truly hope you get your BFP this month hun, I'll keep my fingers crossed for us both! Good luck!
Hey hun, sorry you're having problems! Keep your chin up and don't stress out! It will happen! As for me, i'm 5 days late for AF! Just to scared to test! lol. I'll keep everyone updated!
Just remember there are others out there like you! It is difficult month after month to see af arrive, but try to keep your head up no matter how hard it is! I wish you lots of luck!
I will tell you what i told my best friend. She was desperate to have a baby and every month for 3 years she'd call me crying that she hadn't concieved. I told her to go on holiday with her hubby, chill out and not think about getting pregnant. She went away and relaxed and came back feeling better. She announced 4 weeks later she was expecting. Apparently the fact she relaxed and just enjoyed herself boosted her hormones etc and she ended up concieving! She is due in 4 days! Take my advice sweety relax, dont think about it too much. It will happen and when you least think about it. I know it is hard but think positive and relax!

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