Is positive discrimination a good or bad thing?Here's a chance to have a good old rant so grab your soapbox and answer this?
I think it's a bad thing. It would end up creating negative discrimination in people who were previously neutral and increasing negative discrimination in people who see it as confirmation of what they already believe.Here's a chance to have a good old rant so grab your soapbox and answer this?
Injustice is unacceptable, as long as positive discrimination falls into that category, then its unacceptable too.
Discrimination is discrimination it can't be positive!
There should be no discrimination at all.
A person should
get the job they want,
go to the school they want,
live where they want
because of
what they know
and not
who they are ,
what colour skin they have
or what religion they practice.
OK, rant over back to business as usual now.
People do NOT really understand affirmative action/positive discrimination... IT IS A GOOD THING... Why??? I took the admissions test for my private high school... They sent a letter congratulating me for having received the highest score ever (and I had straight A's and A+'s)... When my Mom and I went to visit the school (we had an appointment), before we could introduce ourselves, they tried to hurry us away, because they were waiting for the ';high-scoring student to whom they would offer an academic scholarship';... I guess my complexion did not make me look smart enough... I was one of the first to integrate this school ON MERIT, not on race...What was so terrible about an all white school admitting EXTREMELY QUALIFIED African Americans??? Nevertheless, I guess the narrow-minded hatred of some racists refuse to consider that many qualified people are turned away and have been turned away due to race and due to race alone...
Look at all of the people who refuse to question Dumbya's qualifications, but are quick to scream about the inexperience of Barack Obama...(someone well qualified for the job)...
If I am correct, positive discrimination is the same as affirmative action here in the states. And it sucks. I dont think there is a way of overcoming societal discrimination by allocating jobs to specific groups. Again you come up against. why that person got the job when this person was much more qualified. make sense? its still not fair.
Sounds like an oxymoron to me............
Bad thing
all folk should compete for jobs on a level playing field with no advantage being given due to race, gender, disability etc they should be on ability only.
Positive discrimination simply breeds resentment and plays into the hands of bigots and the extremist fascists e.g., nazi party, BNP etc.
Discrimination is discrimination is discrimination is... you get my point. nuff said.
are you talking bout discrimination against people that deserve it rapists and stuff you could say that giving them stereotypes like aying if they do it once theyll do it again is discriminitive so that is what id call good disrimination cause is stops it happening again in most cases cause their being watched
sorry not good at voicing my opinion but hope you understand what i mean
plus it means for woman getting a job because your female or if your a traveller i think its a good thing
Discrimination in any way shape or form can not be a good thing hun. No one has the right to judge or discrimiate others. Think how that person must feel? Sometimes we are too quick to judge and discriminate against people hun x So So unfair..... we forget that they have feelings too, and often we are not around to see the damage caused.
How can you be discriminating in a positive way?
Personally I think it is not a good thing....but there could be a case made for it in some circumstances..I believe in the best man/woman for the job. So regardless of race the most qualified, competent person should be chosen. If it is merely decided on race not only does it breed resentment in the workforce but does not encourage education....there could be a case made that positive discrimination would create more role models for minorities....or certain occupations, but overall I am against it, didn't think that was much of a rant.
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