I believe that anyone who can be manipulated by the media can also be manipulated by telemarketers, car dealers, snake oil salesman and a variety of other pitchmen while complaining afterwards that it was somebody else's fault that they were manipulated. That leads to demands for ';Nanny State'; laws to protect them from future manipulation because they are manifestly incapable of managing their own affairs.
Anyone who gives any degree of credence to any news anchor who belongs to the same trade union as Jay Leno and David Letterman is a fool. So is the viewer who swallows the pap put out by the on-camera ';journalist'; who graduated from a university-based school of journalism, coming away with only the talent of being able to read and write a press release without gaining any knowledge of history, geography, foreign cultures, world affairs or science.
Admitting to being ';manipulated by the media'; should be prima facie evidence that you need a court-appointed administrator to manage your affairs.Give me your biggest rant on media/media manipulation?
Hello anythin regarding the Iraq War or the election.
The liberal media is manipulating the public to follow their liberal standards.
IE Obama has a great chance of winning- not becaus ehe actually has a plan for change but because he has his name flashed int he media and Oprah supports him.
99% of todays population are robotic slaves. Are most basic raw urges are constantly being stimulated invoking a animalistic response in our actions and reactions.
Not to mention the information curtain they have in place to make sure the truth of our reality isn't leaked. RCA started all thre major networks, ABC,NBC,CBS. They are all controlle by only a few people, people who enjoy our ignorance.
We are bombarded with COPS and court shows in order to desensitize us to the emerging police state.
Its greatest tool is its fear provoking power...not just the terror level alerts but old people hide in their basemnents when a snow storm is coming.
Mainly its a huge distraction to reality and all the while its spewing disinformation freely like the money in our welfare state freely flows to our govt dependents who by the way are watching television as we speak.
The idea that Israel is the good guy--the idea that they are worthy allies instead of murderous pirates. We are being manipulated into thinking this. Israel is the Fourth Reich.
Fox News (Fair and balanced - right and far right)
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