Even recently we see the flags of these countries burned in the streets!
Why don't they take that energy and effort to make their own lives
better?Why is it you see middle eastern folk on TV always angrily ranting about USA and Israel?
Israel gave them most of the land they wanted in Gaza in 2005. All that did was make HAMAS terrorize Israel more with bombs and mortars. Nothing is going to make they happy until they destroy Israel and Israel is not going to lay down and die, (good for them). I don't think Israel has any choice but to take all of them out, they don't want peace.Why is it you see middle eastern folk on TV always angrily ranting about USA and Israel?
They want the land back that they took about 1400 years ago. The land belonged to the Jews, then to a long line of others, and now the Palestinians are crying muck.
Now we have a bunch of bleeding heart morons whining for the Palestinians who lob mortars and rockets into civilian areas without regard to those innocents. If the Palestinians want some sympathy, maybe they should first, vote out the terrorist party that they voted in.
Perhaps the next time your home is taken from you or your land taken and your family is killed in front of you and you find yourself in a refugee camp that is blocked off by land sea and air and you are subjected to daily incursions and all you know and see is an occupying force you are are stripped of all your dignity and the whole world closes its blind eyes and a deaf ear to all this. Then put the question to yourself what would I do if faced with such appalling conditions ?
It's their form of entertainment, a past time like you and I would play a round of golf or something. Same as with those on here who have an attraction for those people and have feelings easily offended so they report violations whether a violation exist or not. That's their form of entertainment as putrid as it might be.
How can you make your life better when the air you breath is controlled by some evil master who will only allow you to breath at wish.
Israel is choking the people of Palestine.
And USA is helping Israel to do just that.
So, get real. When you kill people, you do not expect the relatives of the deads to bring you flowers do you?
It probably has to the do the actions of the USA for the last 7-8 years.
What do you want them to do ? this is as much as they're allowed to go. If they try to actually do something that is not in the interest of Israel, they will be wiped off the map, take a look at Gaza and you will see what I mean
More info http://www.ifamericansknew.org/
Because there are so many brainless America-hating morons. Sara on this forum is a prime example of one of these simpletons. When you allow idiots to have weapons, trouble is inevitable.
Ever watch the democratic leadership primaries? (Yeah the republican ones were probably just as bad)
Except for the flag burning, can you tell me whats different?
Because they know that most Americans are gleeful when Arabs are being massacred? Can't you tell from this forum?
Most ignorant Americans see all Arabs/Muslims as ';terrorists'; until proven otherwise.
Because that's what they've done for generations upon generations. Not unlike the gang mentality.
I just switch the station. Any group of people not into promoting peace doesn't deserve a moment of my time or respect.
You celebrate deaths. Interesting.
Anyway, it is because they're angry at the way that Middle East is treated.
Good question! They also kill others and when they are killed they cry fowl!
One controls the other . I'll let you find out which ?
Well maybe it's due to having their land taken away, children murdered and made a mockery of. Iraq is demolished and over millions dead, look around the world is at war
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