98 % Republicans said no to Stimulus. They want to fail at all cost just to say Ah Huh while the country suffers!Do Republicans Get it ? Or do they get paid to rant?
Please pay attention as to WHY they don't like the stimulus plan. It's not having a stimulus plan. The repubs agree with having a stimulus plan. They just dont agree with the crap Nancy Pelosi %26amp; her friends threw together.
There were alot of fluff put into their stimulus plan. They (Obama) even admits that not all of the things in the plan are going to have a stimulus effect.
Perhaps the plan should be renamed ';the spending plan';. The repubs just want a plan that will have a direct effect to stimulate the economy. Not a plan to throw a whole bunch of money into re-sodding the washington monument lawn. Repubs believe these types of expenditures are fluff and don't stimulate the economy as a whole...
Trust me.. Republicans are PATRIOS. They want Obama to succeed because they want AMERICA to succeed.
Your premise is flawed. The vast majority of Republicans said no to a Bill that they do not think does much to stimulate the economy and does too much to make things worse. The House Republicans had an alternative Bill, cited below, but the Democrats would not even consider it.
The question is not if Republicans get paid to rant but if everyone here has the facts or not.
No sir you are imposing your own ideology onto the situation. You obviously have ill will against Republicans that keeps you from seeing their argument, that historically large government spending plans such as the stimulus do not work. Either way this money must be printed or borrowed and them repaid plus interest. This repayment will have to come at the expense of the American people that are supposed to be helped. Even if the money is printed to pay for this, this will greatly increase the money supply in the system and cause inflation, that also hurts the average American. If you actually consider these long turn affects voting no could actually be the right thing to do for America.
If was a stimulus package out there the republicans would be all for it but instead we got a democrat pet project financing bill.
$300 million for grants to combat violence against women
$4.2 billion for “neighborhood stabilization activities” (to include 1.5 million to reduce prostitution in Dayton Ohio
$650 million for digital-TV converter boxes
$90 million to educate people about the need for converter boxes
$4.8 million polar bear exhibit at the Providence, RI zoo
$1.5 million water ride in Miami, FL.
$20 million minor league baseball museum in Durham, North Carolina; $6.1 million for corporate jet hangars at the Fayetteville, Arkansas, airport;
$20 million for renovations at the Philadelphia Zoo;
$150 million for the Smithsonian
$34 million to renovate the Department of Commerce headquarters
$500 million for improvement projects for National Institutes of Health facilities
$44 million for repairs to Department of Agriculture headquarters
$350 million for Agriculture Department computers
$88 million to help move the Public Health Service into a new building
$448 million for constructing a new Homeland Security Department headquarters
$600 million to convert the federal auto fleet to hybrids
$450 million for NASA (carve-out for “climate-research missions”)
$600 million for NOAA (carve-out for “climate modeling”)
$1 billion for the Census Bureau
726 million for an after school snack program
52 billion for demonstrations on sucking CO2 out of air and pumping it underground
50 million to protect mice in California
I am not a Republican but I agree with the 98% of them that said THIS stimulus bill is a bad idea. Do you get the fact that the Constitution gives strict and very limited power to the government, and they are exceeding those powers. It is both parties that are guilty so do not take this as a rant against your side. The current level of government involvement in private business is prohibited by the Constitution. A guy posted a link to a Youtube video of Ok. senator Coburn that is very much the truth. Look it up and tell me what you think; it is titled The Stimulus is unconstitutional.
Spending is against the theory of the fiscal conservative. I am a fiscal conservative, not a moral conservative. I do not care who you sleep with but I do care that my children and their children will have a less quality of life because of the debt that is administration has just secured for the future generations. I am amazed at the dishonestly of the Liberals when they scream about the spending of the Bush administration when if you look at the numbers; it occur ed during a democrat congress(2006) you know Congress controls the money. The republicans said no to the Stimulus because they were handed the finished bill at 11pm the night before the day they were to vote on it. No one read it and I personally would like my representative to know what they are voting on. Don't you?
Did it ever occur to you that possibly you are being led down the Rosy path to complete dependence on the government ? We have been headed in this direction for decades and recently the liberal faction in government has made huge advances toward complete control. Individual rights still have a flicker of life but that will be snuffed out soon. Stupidity will usher in the final steps of the destruction of freedom as we once knew it. I doubt that the masses will ever recognize nor understand what and how they were robbed of their last few liberties. They have not noticed a thing in the past fifty years so they aren't likely to get smart now. Example. Where did we ever get the idea that the government was responsible for our health care ?
Wrong again. We want the country to succeed not fail. the problem is that we know this spending has not worked in the past for the USA or for Japan. So how is this historical spending bill going to work when it is full of pet projects. Sorry but repeating history still amounts to failure. We'll see. And we'll wait to see what the excuses are. In the mean time Find a way to create Jobs and not just temporary work.
US Army
Why do Dems even care what Republicans do or say???
You DOMINATE the Senate, the House, and the Presidency!!
Interesting how Obama and the DEMS still want Republicans on board for legislation!
Why?? Probably because Congressional Dems know it's a spending bill and know it won't work.
Yes, remember that too...98% did not want it. So when it fails I expect Democrats to take responsibility for it.
This is not new, republicans warning Democrats of definite failure. How soon we forget. Let's look back to discussions about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2004. Republicans warning Democrats that there are major problems, Democrats saying no no no.
Let's watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGT_cSi7…
There you go. Democrats defending the lenders from regulation. Oops.
I see a lot of people on here referring to Clinton's stimulus bill in 1993. There is a slight difference. Clinton's stimulus bill was $16 billion, not $787 billion. No Republican voted for it then either. You can not buy your way out of debt. Its one thing to create a stimulus package that results in the government getting some money back by making low interest loans, etc. Its another just to spend, spend, spend. The $30 million on the San Francisco mouse should add a great deal to the economy. Who knows? Maybe they have been eating San Francisco's money.
We rant just to make libs get all frustrated and get their shorts in a wad.
Its kind of like having longer arms than a smaller person, pissing them off, then holding your hand on their forehead and watching them swing at you
Well, a plurality of Americans oppose the so-called stimulus, with a majority opposing or having no opinion. So the truth is, the Republicans get it.
The country????? Under the Bush admin I paid very little in taxes. Had opportunities abound, and was proud to be an AMERICAN! I am still proud to be an American, even though the ***** living in the white house isn't.
This is such a funny question. ';Do they get paid to rant?';
Don't you wish YOU had a job like that?
No, you will soon be wishing everyone had had the good sense to vote against this ridiculous pork package.
Enjoy doing without.
The only ones that OBVIOUSLY want the US to fail are the democrats in congress that decided to add hundreds of billions of dollars in wasteful spending to the stimulus package.
The package should have included money to rebuild energy,healthcare,education,infrastructu… and massive tax cuts.THATS IT!!!I don't want to pay 300 million dollars on contraceptives. It wont stimulate anything.
They said no to wasteful spending that was intermingled in what little stimulus there was in the bill. Have you even read any of its porky provisions? Or are you just dumb enough to swallow whatever Obama puts in your mouth?
its the opposite, repubs want us to succeed, they voting against the bill because they believe it will fail. come on man, stop spouting nonsense, you sound like a typical liberal hate monger.
No, Pinko. Republicans rant for free. Democrats are the ones who get paid because they don't work for a living and expect everyone to be on the dole.
Incorrect, we get it. 98% of Republicans say no to the false stimulus package just passed. We are in favor of an actual stimulus plan that might have some chance of success..
We don't agree that massive gov't spending is going to do a damn thing to help the economy. Why are the Dems still asking about this, y'all got your monstrosity?
Just how much do you know about this Bill? Have you read it? You are blowing off steam because you have no idea what you are talking about!
Loyalty is good - blind loyalty is stupid!
They understand that this bill is not a stimulus bill and that no one had a chance to read the fricken thing- being responsible is so evil I know
They said no because they want to fail? Stimulus didn't work too well for FDR or Bush. Opposing failed policies certainly isn't for want of failure.
I don't get paid to rant, I get two whole points to rant. That's = to the $13.00 extra I get to keep of my own money each week.
it is not the republicans that wants America to suffer but democrat policies.
Why do you care?
The same bill worked under the Clinton administration and most republicans were against it.
The GOP will be the laughing stock of all things politic and Fox News will be the laughing stock of all the major news channel.
You're giving them what they want and that is your annoyance
They only say that because a Democrat is in the White house. For the last 8 years they didn't give a damn about the deficit. Now all of the sudden they've become deficit hawks again.
Apparently they like to rant. As, obviously, do you.
It's their plan to get control again of Washington. They are just shooting themselves in the foot though.
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